Earlier this month I spent an average of 16 hours per day for 4 days straight with the Legendary Tony Robbins and his crew. Let me just tell you – this fucking guy is the real deal!!! I have never had the privilege to meet and be in the presence of someone who has touched that many lives and is that grounded, humble, and truly grateful for everything he has experienced on his journey. To say it was “refreshing” is an understatement.

Here are 6 Code Breaking Re-Frame Tips I unlocked when I was at the event and I wanted to share them with you so that you can uplevel your life too!!! WOOO! Get it!! (#6 is a BIGEE!!!)


There were close to 8,000 people in the room. Every person who I had the pleasure of connecting with had clearly come there to change their life. They all wanted more! Holy shit! This scale and magnitude of impact, energetic heights, and sheer numbers of individuals was MIND BLOWING – EIGHT THOUSAND PEOPLE – all in one room, who were playing full out, for 16 hours per day, for FOUR DAYS straight, and literally giving it ALL they had!!

Seriously at one point, in the middle of a guided meditation/hypnotherapy-like exercise about dispelling limiting beliefs that hold you back from the very things that you want … I was curled up in fetal position BAWLING my eyes out on the floor, nose running, super ugly face crying, SCREAMING, and hearing EIGHT THOUSAND other people do the very same thing!

Q. Explore the areas of your life – love, health, career, friendships, family relationships, personal growth and development, etc – Where are you playing in your comfort zone? Where are you holding back? What would it look like if you played FULL OUT? And how would your life be different as a result of doing that?

Ask yourself – What is ONE thing, that if I did that ONE thing, that I KNOW it would change my life? (You’ll know when you’ve landed on that thing because you don’t even want to say it out loud because you don’t want to be held accountable to it.)

ESY Challenge – Go tell someone about that ^ ONE thing ^ so that you will actually be more likely to DO IT!

2. Push Yourself Beyond Your Own Perceived Limits:

During the weekend, just when you think you have passed the point beyond exhaustion, you are literally shutting down, eyes closing involuntarily … then out of nowhere – BAM! You’re dancing for an hour straight without even realizing it and you’re on the best high of all time!

Oh – and while we were there … we walked on fire. Yea. And it didn’t even hurt. I know, it sounds CRAZY, but it’s true!

Day one – We walked on coals. Yes, this was BADASS. I can now say I walked on fire. I am a Firewalker! But trust me when I tell you that that was the least of the epicness of the weekend. Yea. Hard to believe, right?!

It was like attending years of therapy in four days, AND being at the most fucking epic live music concert of all time, all the while surrounded by the most fucking epic community of souls!

Q. What are some limits that you have unconsciously created for yourself? Explore each… Physical limits? Mental Limits? Emotional limits?

Ask Yourself – How can I push myself just that one extra step than usually every single time?!

ESY Challenge – Make a habit of action where you always take just one extra step that you would typically do and see how life changing that is!!! Just ONE extra step every single time will rock your work and elevate you to new heights.

3. Whatever You Do, Make Sure it Feeds Your Soul!!!!

This man is a gazillionaire (yes I realize I made that word up, stay with me here) … the man owns an ISLAND for fucksake. Yea, he is that kind of wealthy … And as he is on stage he reminds us – “I do this not because I have to but because I CAN.” AKA — He could retire. He could stop and just enjoy his life and every generation of his family that follows would be all set. He could even just work with his one-on-one clients, which he charges $1M per year, and he could let his endless empires just run themselves, and he would have endless financial abundance! But he does his tours and events still because he clearly LOVES it, and it Feeds his soul!

Q. What are you doing daily that feeds your soul? If your job doesn’t feed your soul – the job that you spend more awake time than any other thing you do in your life – If you are doing that job because you feel like you “have to”… Well my friend, then it’s going to be a long, hard, draining, quite exhausting existence!

Ask yourself – If money and time were endlessly abundant, what would I LOVE to do with my life?! What does my soul CRAVE?

ESY Challenge – Write down whatever comes up, and then figure out a way to incorporate those things in your day to day so you can reenergize your life!!!

4. Always Stretch Yourself to Have a Beginner’s Mind!

To be honest with you, I almost didn’t go. My brother kept insisting that it would be “life changing!” And yet, as I listened to him talk about his experience, nothing he was saying sounded like new insights for me. I have certifications in Life Coaching, Yoga, and Nutrition. I spend all day every day immersed in my own business of helping women break their patterns, find their missing pieces, get answers to questions that have been plaguing them for years! And I live, eat, breath, and sleep all things pattern breaking, human psychology, life coaching, nutrition, yoga, etc. and so, I hate to admit it, but I was thinking – What more could I get from an event like this that I don’t already know?

And truth be told, when I got there I realized that I had heard this content before, but it was wildly different hearing it from this legendary man himself. I had more epiphanies in a four-day time frame than I could even keep up with! 100 on a 10 scale of WOW factor. While I was there I immediately signed up for several of his programs because you bet your ass I am going to sharpen the hell out of my saw, master the shit out of my craft, and learn as much as I possibly can from this journey so that I can share the insights with my own clients so that they can uplevel their lives in epic ways too and be the BEST damn coach in the entire universe!

Q. If you are radically honest with yourself, where in your own life are you a bit close-minded? Where do you feel like, “oh I already know this shit”, and so you haven’t been giving your full attention to being fully present and engaged in those moments? You haven’t even been listening?! Who haven’t you been taking the time to listen to?

ESY Challenge – In each moment where you catch yourself not being fully present because you feel like you already know what is being discussed – Ask yourself – What could I learn from this? How can I gain new knowledge from this situation, or this person? How can I leverage the power of repetition to hear the same things over and over again and learn a new nugget of gold each time?

(Before I started running my own retreats I used to work on a team that hosted retreats lead by a world-renowned coach, and I would hear the same concepts over and over multiple times per year and yet I listened intently each time and got new nuggets of gold every single time! Think about how this may be true in your own life, and how much faster you can get where you want to go if you always bring a beginner’s mind with you every single place you go! And into all relationships that you are in!

What if the other person’s perspective and knowledge can help you expedite your own journey! Even when we see what we don’t like, we are still learning and growing!) And include a healthy balance of what can I SHARE with others that I already know? Teaching others what you know ingrains it into the fiber of your being even more. Shit, that’s a pretty damn great reason to share if you can’t think of any other reason to do so – WIN WIN! WINNING!

5. Unleash Your Inner Child!

At the conclusion of Tony’s part of the program, he unleashes his inner child as he pulls out super soakers and starts to spray the audience. The entire room went crazy, people were spraying their water bottles in the air, soaking the people around them, everyone engaging in play with this epic fearless leader on the stage before us!

Q. How do you unleash your inner child?! How do you honor that playful, fun, and completely carefree inner child that just wants to come out and play?! How often do you let them come out? And how would life be different if you could let them out more frequently?

Ask yourself – If I listened to my inner child, with NO judgment, what is it telling / has it been telling me for years that I would like to do?

ESY Challenge – And then figure out a way to incorporate those things into your day to day existence! Life is supposed to be FUN damnit!!! FUN I say!!! FUUUUNNNNN!!! WOOO!!!

And here was one of my biggest takeaways that I would like to share with you in the hope that you can get something from it too…

6. Make Sure You Are Consciously Assigning Each of Your Personalities a Role in Each Area Of Your Life!

OK, I am going to get a little vulnerable and personal here for a minute…

As Tony explained this concept – that we all have multiple personalities, and that we need to consciously assign them to areas of out lives or we will unconsciously be sabotaging ourselves – I realized the following about myself …

Somewhere along the way, my crazy, sexy, fun, wild, playful, careless and free me decided to become the CEO of my business. For a long time this version of me was actually the one fully present in my relationship, which is what made it so much FUN and enjoyable for so long!! And somewhere along the way my Power House version of me – The kickass, unstoppable, get shit done, conquer the world, get results, make shit happen, create your own destiny, can make anything and everything she desires come intro fruition … yea, that girl took over the relationship. OY VEY! And thank God I came to this realization now before too much damage and destruction was caused!

What I realized was that the Power House version of me is the one I had blamed for a lot of unwanted negative shit that went down in the past. Like for example, when she was in charge of the career she worked me to death. Literally, I was fucking exhausted all day every day.

To say that I was “burned out” is an understatement. Sure, she kicked major ass – one promotion after the next, climbing the corporate ladder, money GALORE – we are talking big time money bucks McGee – but I was never happy. No time for anything other than making shit happen! I was a workaholic for YEARS! And here is what I realized… She was chasing the wrong thing. She was chasing the need to be significant. To PROVE herself to the world! To BE somebody!! To make up for the lack and emptiness that she felt inside. And as long as that is her build in my life.

And so, I was afraid to put her back in the game.

As you can imagine though, that awesome ninja warrior goddess does not settle for the role of sitting on the bench, so she put herself back in the game in an area that I hadn’t intentionally blocked her from – i.e. my relationship.

So through this newfound awareness, I decided to make an immediate swap!

Power House is now the CEO of Epic Sexy You. With one life-altering shift that is the biggest game changer of all time – I gave her a new intention – Growth AND Contribution. She is chasing growth and leaving a legacy of contribution everywhere she goes. She is honestly the most powerful force I have ever encountered, and the very second that I made that shift for her, she was off to the races. I unleash her now in coaching sessions and at the events I host, and let me tell you she is a beast of epic proportions chasing the life changing transformations for herself and for every single soul she encounters.

And then she got even STRONGER. It unlocked something that had always been there that I just hadn’t ever allowed to be front and center – My energy reading capabilities SKYROCKETED and my ability to receive spiritual intuitive downloads became even more effortless than anything I had every experienced before. It’s almost overwhelming the amount that comes through now! Like I opened a portal. Or rather blew one open with a massive stick of dynamite! This is the most FUN I have ever had playing with my spiritual gifts!

And then there was the previous CEO – Miss crazy, sexy, fun, wild, playful, careless and free me, and she was all, “oooooo PUHHLLEEEEEZE put me back in the relationship, that area of your life was sooooo much more fun when I was there!” So I did. And BAM! Back to a FUN, in the flow, completely immersed in the moment and joys of connection and love and bliss and adventure and everything but Seriouspants McGee business shit! And it was as simple as that. Back to Euphoric Bliss.

I remember talking to one of my friends about a month ago where I was feeling the shift to a less fun relationship and I could feel myself getting all serious about every little thing, and my friend said – “This isn’t a business review Morgan …” and I didn’t really get what that meant at the time … And then sitting there at Tony’s event, hearing Tony talk … and … BAM! It all made sense.

And here is the beauty of it all – Power House lost her seriouspants once I changed her intention to that of growth and contribution instead of the need to prove I am significant! And what has been bred, at an even higher level than anything I have ever experienced EVER before in my entire life, is an epic momentum in tandem with complete in the flow euphoric bliss and ease in all areas of my life.

My challenge to you is this …

Ask Yourself – Who is running the show for each area of my life? If I could make some player changes to the roster, and shift people to new positions, what would be the most epic layout possible to get me what my soul is yearning and craving for in each area of my life?

ESY Challenge – Then make those swaps at the forefront of your mind so that you can make the changes necessary to get what you want!!!!


Please feel free to share this with your peeps, and comment with your questions and or takeaways below! Would love to share the journey with you!!

In Gratitude, and Infinite Love…



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