EpicSexyLife Tip – Find something that you find to be incredibly FUN, that you can do alone or with friends, that is an amazing workout, without you even realizing how much of a workout it actually is until you put your head to the pillow at night earlier than usual and pass the f@*$ out! Oh, and find some gear that you can wear that brings out that sassy, sexy, and fun you while your getting your workout on!

Beware – Slacklining is ADDICTIVE!!!!! It is WAY more challenging than it looks! And you will be consumed with trying to own that shit like a boss! And before you know it, you’ve been out there for HOURS – and voila! – The next day your abs are looking sexier than the day before! SOOO FUN!!! Keep me posted on how it goes when you try it out! xoxo






