To Recapitulate the Epicness that was 2014

I spent the full year working at retreats with the most Epic souls imaginable. It was an adventure and ride of a lifetime and what an epic and wild ride it was! I will forever carry this experience with me in my heart and soul.

I met and worked with close to 1K new amazing women, and as a result I now have a life that is overflowing with a tribe that adds light, love, excitement, adventures, peace, laughter, radiance, vibrancy, enlightenment, endless support, positivity, and joy to my life beyond my wildest dreams!

I looked my fear right in the face, and owned it like a BOSS – I left my corporate job – The job that was safe, comfy, lucrative as all can be, and followed my heart and dreams to give my light and love to the world full time, to build my empire, to be fierce, fearless, and free, and to help others create lives that they absolutely love living, where they chase and actualize their dreams, and where they pinch themselves because they can’t even believe it’s real.

I’ve been to Florida -my souls home, my heart, my haven, my serenity, my space of endless flow of creation, innovation, relaxation, adventure, and cheek hurting fun – more times in 2014 than I have in total if you cumulated all of the trips that I’ve made there in all of my life. (Other than when I did an internship there in 2003 and lived there for an epic 6 months of my life – one of the best times of life, until now. Now blows every other moment in time of my life out of the water, and is above and beyond what I ever thought was possible.)

This is the happiest and healthiest that I have ever been in my entire life. I am fully immersed in my heart space, feeling endlessly blessed with an overwhelming abundance of peace, light, love, epic souls, adventures, laughter, and feeling alive beyond what I ever even imagined to be possible!

Towards the end of the year, I did something that most people thought was crazy, and I left an opportunity of a lifetime that most people would die to have – I decided that I needed to give every ounce of my heart, soul, and being to my business – EpicSexyYou – No side projects, no helping someone else feed their vision and their dream, no guilt around spending time and energy on MY vision and MY dream, 150% full throttle to giving my light and love to the world!

I have unlocked what it is to live a life that I LOVE living, and how to become a me that I have always dreamed of being. I am truly the woman that I always wanted to be – Inside AND out. I look the best I have ever looked in my life, and for the first time EVER in my life I FEEL SEXY in my own skin every moment of every day from the inside out and the outside in.   I am healthy, I treat my body like the temple it is, I am connected to my inner goddess at all times, and I listen to and honor my mind, body, heart, and soul.

As I have unlocked the secrets to doing all these things I have continued to share them with the world so that others can be immersed in the magic that is possible as we create lives we love living and versions of us that we love being!

I learned to focus on the what – my vision, my dream, how I wanted to feel and be – and then surrendered to the How – the how changes, and if you are too busy focusing on controlling the how instead of allowing it, you will miss all of the magic that life has to offer.

I took risks. I took actions. I made changes.

I lost connections with friends that I thought would be in my life forever (who knows what the future holds, if and when they ever decide to come back I will be here with an open heart and lots of light and love).

I have mended relationships and started to rebuild with those that were lost along the way.

I ended a relationship with someone who was “perfect on paper” yet there was “something missing” – aka an epic sexy want to rip your clothes off attraction, and although we could have lived “happily enough every after”, I would have been settling for a life of mediocrity which is the furthest thing from what I stand for.

The biggest blessing this year is the accountably that this new path provides. The fact that I work with others to create lives they love living, to push their limits, to challenge old beliefs that no longer serve them, to call BS on the excuses that hold them back from the very things they want most in life, to be patient and loving and kind, to honor their journey and their own divine time, to allow others to grow at their pace – It delivers the most epic blessing and gift imaginable, which is the accountability for me to BE it. The LEAD it. To DO it. ALL of it. And when you DO that…. I can’t even describe the magic that the universe delivers.

This year – I found my voice. I connected with my soul. I learned how to say no. I learned how to put myself first. I became decisive. I connected with my intuition. I became my best friend. I became fierce, fearless, and free. I am unstoppable. I released the desire to control – myself, things, circumstances, events, and others. I AM FREE. I found my strength in allowing space for vulnerability. I began a journey of opening myself back up to the endless depths of a madly deeply kind of love and of allowing and honoring the imperfections of others – to love them exactly as they are, to allow them their space for their own journey, and to realize that what they do and / or don’t do has nothing to do with me. I found my foundation of love within me, and no longer seek validation externally.

Pinch… yes… this is my life… and 2014 was just the beginning of the most Epic Adventure… holy shit… 2015… here we come!!!! It’s going to be hands down the most EPIC year so far, and I know that in one year I will not even be able to recognize my life as I know it today!

In 2015 – I want to feel even more – Alive, Free, Blissful, Joyful, Connected to myself, Connected to others, soul connections, madly deeply in love with life, with myself, and with others, I want to experience new experiences, I want to grow, I want to be challenged, I want to have breakthroughs, endless adventures, and immersed in divine light and love. I want to find more kindred spirits and divine souls that I will unite with as we make this world a brighter place in sharing out light and love with the world. I want to be fully immersed in my heart space and in the flow. I want to create and innovate from a space of giving, loving, serving, and let that be the fuel for growing my business and my tribe. And as I move through every single day of 2015, this is exactly what I will focus on. Not on knocking to dos off a list, or hitting target #s in my business, but to FEEL more of what I desire to feel. To LIVE. To be free. To PLAY. To Thrive. And as long as I am FEELING these things, I surrender myself to the how and will let the universe works it’s magic! 🙂


I encourage you all to look back and explore your 2014 – To see all that you have done, all of your growth, your progress, your adventures, your blessings, your gifts, etc. And then think about 2015 – How do you want to FEEL when on this very day next year in 2015. Then go chase those feelings!

Sending endless light and love to each of you Epic Sexy Souls – And my promise to you for the new year is to continue to give you everything I’ve got – Every ounce of my soul, my heart, my epiphanies, my revelations – To help you navigate your own journey and to find your own “pinch me I’m dreaming” life as quickly as possible so that you can experience all of the magic that this life has to offer!!! That is my mission and my promise!


