Awareness Came, and Frank the Tank’s Jersey Was Retired….

Awareness Came, and Frank the Tank’s Jersey Was Retired…. I get a lot of weird looks when it comes up in conversation that I do not drink. The first thought that most people mention comes to their mind is how AA is going. Haha. They often feel very sorry for me...

Awareness Around The Blame Game…

Awareness Around The Blame Game… How often in a day do you place blame externally for not being the who that you want to be, or not having the things that you want out of life, or not being where you want to be in life, or not being able to make the choices you would...

WHAAAT? !! Awareness brings…MELTDOWNs??!!!

WHAAAT? !!  Awareness brings…MELTDOWNs??!!! That is right ladies and gentleman… there is no perfection, and infinite peace through the process of awareness or any other process out there. No matter how self-aware we are, no matter how much we grow and expand as...